Find out who the participants of the Smart Development Forum are
Researchers conducting basic, applied and clinical research
Rectors of universities and directors of institutes, as well as other representatives of scientific units and universities
Entrepreneurs marketing innovative services and products
Representatives of the education sector
Local government officials open to cooperation with business and science
Representatives of the government administration
Representatives of other organizations involved in smart development
Israeli crystallographer, Nobel laureate
Prof. Ada Yonath izraelska krystalograf. Studiowała na Uniwersytecie Hebrajskim w Jerozolimie, gdzie uzyskała bakalaureat w 1962 roku oraz tytuł magistra biochemii w 1964. Stopień doktora uzyskała w 1968 roku w Instytucie Naukowym Weizmana, jej praca doktorska dotyczyła krystalografii. Odbyła staże podoktorskie w Carnegie Mellon University (1969) oraz MIT (1970). Badania Jonath koncentrują się na mechanizmach molekularnych biosyntezy białek. Wyznaczyła ona z dużą rozdzielczością struktury krystaliczne jednostek rybosomów. W 2007 otrzymała Nagrodę Wolfa w dziedzinie chemii, w 2009 Nagrodę Nobla w dziedzinie chemii za badania nad strukturą i funkcją rybosomów (wspólnie z Venkatramanem Ramakrishnanem i Thomasem Steitzem). Laureatka Medalu PTChem im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie, doktor honoris causa Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi.
Israeli-Arab scientist and engineer, pioneer known for inventing the Nano Artificial Nose (NA-NOSE)
Prof. Hossam Haick jest izraelsko-arabskim naukowcem i inżynierem oraz aktualnym dziekanem studiów licencjackich w Israel Institute of Technology, urodzonym w 1975 roku. Jest pionierem znanym z wynalezienia Nano Sztucznego Nosa (NA-NOSE) do wykrywania chorób wydychanym powietrzu, (dzięki czemu został wyróżniony jako innowator MIT poniżej 35 lat), który jest szeroko stosowany do wykrywania biomarkerów chorób w laboratoriach i przemyśle. Prowadzi wiele wkładów w interdyscyplinarnych dziedzinach, takich jak nanotechnologia, nanoczujniki, lotne biomarkery i elektronika molekularna.
Deputy chairman of the Council for Scientific Excellence of Poland, economist and former rector of the EU in Poznan
Prof. Marian Gorynia Polish economist, professor and former rector of the Poznan University of Economics. Since 2019, deputy chairman of the Council for Scientific Excellence. He is Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Polish Economic Society and a member of the Committee of Economic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He is on the Boards and Editorial Committees of numerous specialized economic journals. In addition, he is a member of the Poznań Society of Friends of Science, the Scientific Society of Organization and Management, the Academy of International Business, the European International Business Academy, and the International Management Development Association. He has received honorary doctorates from the University of Bialystok and the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.
Director, National Center for Research and Development in 2019-2022
Absolwent Wydziału Automatyki i Informatyki Politechniki Śląskiej, Doktor Nauk Ekonomicznych w Dyscyplinie Nauki o Zarządzaniu Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego.
Manager z wieloletnim doświadczeniem w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwami oraz dużymi projektami w branży telekomunikacyjnej. Ekspert w dziedzinie nowoczesnych technologii i zarządzania. Autor szeregu publikacji naukowych z zakresu strategii rozwoju, zarządzania przedsiębiorstwami oraz kształtowania wartości przedsiębiorstw.
Karierę zawodową rozpoczął w sektorze biznesowym w WSK „PZL-Mielec” S.A., gdzie doprowadził do wyodrębnienia z jej struktur telekomunikacyjnej działalności operatorskiej oraz utworzenia spółki Przedsiębiorstwa Telekomunikacyjnego „Centrala” Sp. z o.o. (późniejsza: Multimedia Polska S.A. – Mielec Sp. z o.o.). Negocjator kształtów umów w zakresie sprzedaży, aktywizacji i łączenia spółek. Manager z wieloletnim doświadczeniem w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwami oraz dużymi projektami w branży telekomunikacyjnej (Multimedia Polska S.A., Nordisk Polska Sp. z o.o., EXATEL S.A.) i fotowoltaicznej (Mielec PV S.A.). Ekspert w zakresie oceny projektów związanych z budową regionalnych sieci szerokopasmowych oraz sieci ostatniej mili. Dyrektor Generalny największego w Europie projektu budowy regionalnej sieci szerokopasmowej (Internet dla Mazowsza).
W latach 2016-2018 Dyrektor Naukowej i Akademickiej Sieci Komputerowej (NASK), gdzie współtworzył i kierował projektami utworzenia Narodowego Centrum Cyberbezpieczeństwa, Ogólnopolskiej Sieci Edukacyjnej, połączenia NASK z Instytutem Maszyn Matematycznych. Pod jego kierownictwem NASK zyskał status Państwowego Instytutu Badawczego, a w Instytucie zaczął na mocy ustawy o krajowym systemie cyberbezpieczeństwa działać CSIRT poziomu krajowego.
W listopadzie 2018 roku został powołany do Rady Narodowego Centrum Badań i Rozwoju, w której pełnił funkcję Przewodniczącego Komisji ds. Finansów.
Journalist, TV presenter, columnist, writer, columnist and TV personality.
Journalist, winner of the Wiktor award in the Media Personality category. He has a very large professional practice, gained both in the capacity of a manager (he was, inter alia, editor-in-chief of "Machina", "Film" and "Przekrój"), writing (a press journalist in many titles), acting in radio and hosting numerous television programmes of a very different nature.
He is also the author of several bestselling books with a total circulation of over 400,000 copies. (including 'God, money and rock'n'roll' and 'His Highness Longin'). A major event was also the publication in 2022 of the only authorised biography of Jan Borysewicz, 'The Lesser Stranger', which remained at the top of EMPIK bestsellers for several weeks.
Marcin is one of the most respected and sought-after Polish entertainers, having
several hundred conducted events for the largest international companies, including industry conferences and congresses, elegant galas, thematic festivals, mass concerts and many others.
Winner in the ranking of the best entertainers in Poland according to the Press monthly, no. 9-10/2017.
Privately, Marcin is passionate about new technologies - artificial intelligence, virtual reality, autonomous vehicles, industry 4.0 and other issues shaping our lives in the near future. He is able to talk about these issues in a competent and engaging way, placing professional knowledge in the context of issues close to everyone - work, entertainment, self-development, ongoing social changes.
Among other things, he is the co-creator of documentaries on this subject, made for TVN - e.g. Man of the Future, in which his interlocutors are some of the most eminent scientists in the world, professors of Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Cloning. Sposób na nieśmiertelność (Cloning: The Way to Immortality), filmed in South Korea and showing the possibilities of modern medicine and genetics.
Chairman of the Board of Directors of General Electric Company Polska Sp. z o.o. and Managing Director of GE Engineering Design Center
Marian Lubieniecki graduated from the Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Shipbuilding at the University of Gdansk with a master's degree in engineering. He continued his education at the Institute of Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Gdansk, earning a doctorate in technical sciences. He began his professional career at Philips Royal Electronics as a Mechanical Project Manager, and also worked at ABB/ALSTOM as an Aerodynamics Specialist Engineer in the Steam Turbine Research and Development Department.
He has been associated with the Warsaw Engineering Design Center almost since its inception. He was one of the first GE Aviation employees at the Engineering Design Center, where he worked as a Design Engineer for turbine engine flow parts. He held successive management positions for seven years, before establishing GE Oil & Gas's upstream technology team at EDC in 2007, which he grew into an organization of several hundred people. He then became Executive Director of the subsea technologies team.
In 2016, Marian Lubieniecki took the position of CEO of General Electric Company Polska Sp. z o.o. and Managing Director of GE Engineering Design Center.
Trainer, Megalit
Coach and Trainer, Journalist and Author, Inspirational Speaker, Business and PR Consultant.
Member of ICF, certified by Erickson College. Co-founder of the Polish Chamber of Training Companies.
Author of books and journalist, wrote several hundred texts on business. And two bestsellers "Psychology of change -rzecz dla wściekniętych "and "Manipulation disenchanted". Award: BCC Sharp Pen, Proton 2012 for the best educator in the PR industry.
Member of the European Parliament
Prof. Jerzy Buzek - Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland from 1997 to 2001. First President of the European Parliament from Central and Eastern Europe. In the Parliament continuously since 2004. Currently chairing the work of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy. Responsible on behalf of the Parliament for the regulation on security of gas supply to Europe. Recognized by VoteWatch Europe experts as the most influential MEP on energy issues. Awarded the Order of the White Eagle for his contribution to Poland's democratic transformation, scientific achievements and political accomplishments in Poland and internationally.
Secretary of State, Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy
Secretary of State at the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy. She oversees the subject of the implementation of EU funds for innovation (the Intelligent Development Program) and human capital (the Knowledge Education Development Program). Her duties also include coordinating the preparation of the new programming period for 2021-2027 and overseeing the Accessibility Plus program (she co-authored the Accessibility Act). She also serves as Government Plenipotentiary for the preparation of the World Urban Forum in Katowice in 2022. From November 15, 2019 to October 6, 2020, she served as Minister of Funds and Regional Policy.
Director, National Center for Research and Development in 2022
Dr. Remigiusz Kopoczek has been involved in the scientific community for years. He earned his doctorate at the University of Szczecin.
Since 2020, he has been a member of the Senate of the University of Silesia in Katowice. In 2012-2016, he served as Vice-Dean for Education and Students at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Silesia. He has co-authored courses in game design and virtual space, and authored and co-authored publications on the process of computer game development, the use of multimedia and virtual reality in education, among others. In recent years, he served as CEO of the first video game gas pedal ARP Games.
Prior to becoming acting director of the NCRD, he was chairman of the board of one of Poland's largest economic conferences, the Congress 590.
Director, Information Processing Center - National Research Institute
Director of the Information Processing Center - National Research Institute (OPI PIB).He defended his doctoral thesis at the Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Lecturer at the University of Information Technology and Management in Warsaw. At OPI PIB, he served for many years as head of the Laboratory of Intelligent Information Systems - the largest at the institute.
His professional career has been in the R&D field for many years. Among his interests are artificial intelligence, software development, statistics, time series forecasting, text and web mining. He is currently involved in project management using agile methodologies, software design and development, as well as machine learning, bioinformatics, and big data.
Deputy President of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland
Appointed to the position of Deputy President on January 27, 2020. Doctor of Social Sciences, graduate of the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science at the University of Warsaw (specialization in public administration). In 2016-2020, Deputy Director of the Department of Promotion and Support for Innovation at the Polish Patent Office, where he was responsible for the implementation of undertakings and system projects and the development of materials aimed at disseminating knowledge about intellectual property. He is the author of more than a dozen publications on political systems (concerning, among other things, the functioning of minority governments in the Third Republic, the institution of the legislative veto, the dilemmas surrounding parliamentary majorities, and co-author of the translation of the Constitution of Kenya), as well as intellectual property protection (IP management, copyright law in higher education, issues of commercialization and technology transfer). He has conducted numerous training courses and postgraduate classes addressed to various communities, including academics and entrepreneurs, on the protection and management of intangible assets in organizations. Since 2013, lecturer at the Institute of Political Science and Administration at Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw. Listener of the course "Study of Biblical and Theological Knowledge" at the Theological Faculty of UKSW. He is interested in the spirituality and life of St. Ignatius Loyola.
President, Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys
President of the Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys (PIRP) of the current term.
She also held this position from 2017 to 2021, and was previously Dean of the Mazovia District of the PIRP.
She is a national and European patent attorney and legal advisor, as well as a mediator in intellectual property matters and an arbitrator of Polish and European Internet domain arbitration courts.
For more than 25 years, she has been advising Polish and foreign clients on the protection of industrial and intellectual property rights and combating unfair competition. He helps entrepreneurs effectively manage their intellectual property rights to develop their business and achieve market success.
She has extensive knowledge and experience as a patent attorney and legal counselor, thanks to which she successfully conducts litigation and court proceedings in the field of infringement of exclusive rights, including complex patent, trademark and copyright disputes.
He also deals with the protection of intellectual property rights on the Internet in relation to Internet domain names and widely understood e-commerce activities. She also supports companies in the implementation of their business strategies, providing assistance in the area of corporate law and handling commercial transactions.
She actively popularises knowledge on the protection of intellectual property rights during many conferences, trainings and educational workshops. She is the author of numerous national and and foreign publications. She is also active in international intellectual property law organisations INTA and AIPPI.
She graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw. She is the managing partner of JWP Patent & Trademark Attorneys and JWP Law Firm, as well as the founder of the JWP Idea-Patent Foundation.
President, Central Office of Weights and Measures
Professor of physical sciences. Graduated in physics from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the Higher School of Pedagogy in Kielce.
He received his doctorate in 1995 from the Andrzej Soltan Institute of Nuclear Problems in Świerk. He received his postdoctoral degree from the University of Warsaw in 2002, based on his dissertation Dissociative Recombination in Ion Storage Rings. He received the title of professor of physical sciences on July 3, 2012. His scientific activities are related to the study of collisions of free electrons with molecular ions under low-temperature plasma conditions and the study of the mechanisms of ionization and emission of characteristic X-rays in collisions of ions with atoms.
Employed at Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce since 1988 (head of the department of molecular physics and later of medical physics and biophysics), in 1995-1998 he held scientific internships at Stockholm University of Technology and Stockholm University.
He served as Vice-Rector for Teaching and Student Affairs (2008-2012), Vice-Rector for General Affairs (2012-2020) and Rector (2012-2020) of Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce. He has been a member of the Scientific Policy Committee since 2020.
Director of Innovation, Veolia Energia Polska S.A.
Over 10 years of experience in innovation and R&D, working with corporations, Small and Mid-sized Enterprises, NGOs, startups and technological universities. Currently Director of Innovation at Veolia Energy Poland Group. Implementing innovative solutions, establishing innovative culture, incorporating business processes within innovation, team +30. Used to work for an Innovation Design Agency, incorporating gained interdisciplinary experience into practice and constantly expanding her knowledge in the field of innovation management and entrepreneurship. She was also responsible for mapping companies to joint technological projects, and helping startups and, often leading and international, corporations grow through innovation.
Used to be Head of R&D Club building an innovation ecosystem with over 60 leading Large Corporation and SMEs in Poland; over 160 Directors, Managers working on Research & Development, as well as Innovation. Incorporating knowledge-sharing culture within R&D Club initiatives. Vice President of the SIMS Association established by cross-functional teams of scientists from 60 universities and research institutes in Poland dealing with the management of research infrastructure. Global Shaper at the World Economic Forum.
Graduate of R&D Infrastructure Management and commercialization Programme at Fraunhofer Institute, Max Planck Gesellschaft, the Technical University of Dresden and IBM in New York; and Graduate of Commercialization and Entrepreneurship Programme at the University of Lund in Sweden organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
Marathon runner, sports fan (currently preparing for Triathlon), camper lover and lifelong learning practitioner.
Fluent in English and French.
Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Investment and Development in 2018-2019; Member of the Management Board of PKP S.A. in 2019-2020.
Since July 12, 2019, she has served as a member of the Board of Directors of PKP S.A.. Previously, she held the position of Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Investment and Development. In the structures of the ministry, she was responsible for the implementation of EU funds for major infrastructure investments (Infrastructure and Environment Program), coordination of the Juncker Plan in Poland and matters related to public-private partnerships. Deputy Minister Zielińska worked as deputy director of the Infrastructure Programs Department since April 2016, first at the Ministry of Development and then at the Ministry of Investment and Development. She has extensive management experience, both in the public and private sectors. Before becoming deputy director at the ministry, she was director at, among others, the Center for EU Transport Projects and PKP S.A., where she managed railway stations. She has worked in managerial positions in private enterprises and state-owned companies. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology, where she earned a degree in mechanical engineering. She also completed Postgraduate Management Studies at Warsaw University.
The Smart Growth Forum is a place where different ideas, projects and ventures meet. It is hundreds of people who share a passion for creating projects that affect the quality of our lives now or in the future.
The forum is an ideal opportunity to present yourself and your own research to the scientific community and among potential investors. It also gives you a chance to expand your business contacts and opportunities to attract new collaborators.
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