Uniejów to wyjątkowe miejsce w samym sercu Polski. Dzięki odkryciu wód geotermalnych i wykorzystaniu ich potencjału powstało tu najmłodsze polskie uzdrowisko i pierwsze w kraju uzdrowisko termalne. Młodość kojarzy się z nowoczesnością, energią i świeżością. I tak wygląda nasze miasto: rozbudowuje obiekty uzdrowiskowe i turystyczne, tętni życiem podczas imprez kulturalnych i sportowych, a zarazem szanuje otaczającą przyrodę i historię.
Uniejów is a unique place in the heart of Poland. Thanks to the discovery of geothermal waters and the use of their potential, Poland's youngest spa and the country's first thermal spa were created here. Youth is associated with modernity, energy and freshness. And that's what our city looks like: it's expanding spa and tourist facilities, bustling with cultural and sporting events, while respecting the surrounding nature and history.
One of our greatest assets is our hot brine, which we are increasingly using for medical treatment and recreation. Uniejów's geothermal water is a natural, renewable source of energy, which we use to heat apartments, single-family homes, public buildings, heat the ground, even the turf of football fields. It is a raw material no less valuable than coal or oil, and at the same time its exploitation and use does not degrade the environment. In Uniejów, modernity perfectly harmonizes with centuries-old history. Poland's youngest spa is located in a town that boasts city rights granted most likely in the 13th century. A beautiful 14th-century castle and other monuments remind us of its rich history.
Sanus per aquam, or health through water – this is the chief motto of Uniejów! Water extracted from a depth of 2 km with a temperature of 68-70 °C is the greatest wealth of Uniejów. Thanks to its thermal and chemical properties, it is used in the prevention and therapy of many diseases and rehabilitation.
Uniejów has had the status of a spa town since 2012 and is focusing on the development of tourist and recreational functions. It is Poland’s youngest spa and the only one with a geothermal character. Uniejów strives to make visitors feel like they are in a capsule of health and vitality here, with opportunities for preventive health care and regeneration at their fingertips. Uniejów’s strength is contrast. The centuries-old history here interacts in a creative dialogue with the present.
Your benefits of coming to the FIR do not end with the program’s
content, there is much more to do in Uniejów.
Centrum Inteligentnego Rozwoju
ul. Fabryczna 43
43-110 Tychy
tel.: +48 32 307 22 42
e-mail: biuro@ircentrum.pl