
Prof. dr agr. Knut Schmidtke

Prorektor ds. Badań i Rozwoju, Uniwersytet Nauk Stosowanych w Dreźnie (HTW Dresden)

Prof. Dr. Knut Schmidtke (HTWD, Germany), Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden (HTWD), University of Applied Sciences Dresden, Faculty of Agriculture/Environment/Chemistry

Pillnitzer Platz 2, D-01326 Dresden


Professional experience:

Current position: Vice-Rector for Research HTWD (since 2015), 2010 to 2015 Dean of the Faculty Agriculture/Landscape Management. Since 2003 Professor for Organic Agriculture HTWD. 2003 Visiting Professor, Field Science Centre for Nothern Biosphere, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. 1994 to 2003 Scientific Assistant, Institute of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, University of Goettingen, Germany. 1990 to 1994 Scientific Assistant, Institute of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, University of Gießen, Germany. 1984 to 1989 Study of agricultural Sciences, University of Gießen, Germany.

Research Profile


o Organic Agriculture

o Agronomy, soil science and plant nutrition

Research activities

o N fluxes of legume based cropping systems:

o Symbiotic N2 fixation

o Nitrogen rhizodeposition

o N balance

o S fertilization

o Reduced tillage in organic agriculture:

o no-till grain legumes

o Intercropping

Five selected publications

Rühlemann L., Schmidtke K. 2015: Evaluation of monocropped and intercropped grain legumes for cover cropping in no-tillage and reduced tillage organic agriculture. Europ. J. Agron. 65, 83-94.

Gronle A., Lux G., Böhm H., Schmidtke K., Wild M., Demmel M., Brandhuber R., Wilbois K.-P., Heß J. 2015: Effect of ploughing depth and mechanical soil loading on soil physical properties, weed infestation, yield performance and grain quality in sole and intercrops of pea and oat in organic farming. Soil Tillage Res. 148, 59-73.

Dietz M., Machill S., Hoffmann H.C. Schmidtke K. 2013: Inhibitory effects of Plantago lanceolata L. on soil N mineralization. Plant Soil 368, 445-458.

Schmidtke K. 2005: A model to predict the accuracy of measurements of legume N rhizodeposition using a split-root technique. Soil Biol. Biochem. 37, 829-836.

Tel: +49-351-4622114, E-Mail: schmidtke@htw-dresden.de

Homepage: http://www.htw-dresden.de

Kimura S.D., K. Schmidtke, T. Ryosuke, K. Yoshida, H. Nakashima, Rauber R. 2004: Seasonal N uptake and N2 fixation by common and adzuki bean at various spacings. Plant Soil 258, 91-101.