Prof. Dr. Jan Kazmierczak
Full Professor at the Institute of Production Engineering, Faculty of Organization and Management, Silesian University of Technology. Scientific Secretary of the Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas in Katowice.
Scientific achievements - more than 250 publications at home and abroad, more than 100 papers delivered at national and foreign conferences, supervising fourteen completed doctoral theses, several scientific internships in foreign centers (within the framework of bilateral cooperation and participation in TEMPUS, TEMPRA and SOCRATES-ERASMUS programs), scholarships of the British Council (W.Britain, 1983) and the Kosciuszko Foundation (USA, 1998), lectures in foreign universities.
Committee on Production Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences: member of the Committee Presidium, Polish Society for Technology Assessment: founding member, Chairman of the Board of the Society.
1990 - 1994: councillor of the Municipal Council in Gliwice, member of the Presidium of the Local Government Assembly of the Katowice Province.
1993 -1997: representative of the Government Plenipotentiary for European Integration (then: head of the Committee for European Integration) in the Council of the Foundation "Polish Agency for Regional Development" in Warsaw: vice-chairman of the Council of the Foundation
1998 - 2000: member of the Team of Advisors to the Governor of Katowice (then: Governor of Silesia)
2002 - 2006: 1st Deputy Mayor of the City of Gliwice
2006 - 2007: Chairman of the Municipal Council of Gliwice
2007 - 2015: Member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland VI and VII, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Innovation and Modern Technologies,