Prof. Dr. Agnieszka Sobczak-Kupiec
Professor of engineering sciences, editor-in-chief of the journal "Materials Engineering" published by SIGMA-NOT and member of the "Assembly for the mission board on cancer", at the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation.
Manager and contractor of several research projects, including those funded by NCN, NCBR, MNiSzW, FNP. Author of more than 150 publications (including more than 80 JCR), 15 granted patents, 12 studies for industry. Industry expert at MFiPR MCP, NCBR, NAWA, EC, PARP, BGK.
She has held numerous scientific and industrial internships, including at UC Berkeley USA, University of Strathclyde, French National Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology and French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission CEA.
He is a member of numerous advisory boards: Appeals Team (MEiN), Implementation Ph.D. Team (MEiN), Ex-ante Evaluation Team (NCBR), Working Group for Regional Innovation Strategy (Małopolska), and Working Group for National Smart Specialties KIS 8. Multifunctional materials and composites with advanced properties, including nanoprocesses and nanoproducts.
She has been repeatedly awarded for her scientific and research and invention activities, including the Honorary Decoration of the Prime Minister "For Merits to Invention", "Inventor of 2017", which is awarded in a plebiscite organized by the Federation of Science and Technology Associations NOT (FSNT-NOT) and the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland, a distinction in the 9th edition of the competition for the title of "Businesswoman of the Year" within the framework of Success Written in Lipstick in the category of Science and Business, Award of the President of the National Chamber of Commerce. Inventions that have been created as part of the work of the team under her leadership have been recognized internationally by receiving a number of medals and distinctions at top-ranking international fairs and exhibitions in Paris, Brussels, Warsaw, Taipei, Kuala Lumpur, Seoul, Prague, Moscow, Nuremberg, Zagreb and others (in total, she has received more than 150 Medals, Awards and Distinctions).