Magdalena Bohusz-Boguszewska
Since 2004, she has been involved in government administration where she was responsible for the ownership supervision of State Treasury Companies and the provision of financial support and state aid. In 2014-2020, she held managerial positions in the Industrial Development Agency S.A., among others, responsible for the preparation and implementation of the company's new strategy, supervision of portfolio companies of the Industrial Development Agency S.A. management of the Open Innovation Network project. Between 2020 and 2021, Director of the Organisational Office and Director of the Branch Office of the Polish Space Agency. From 2021, advisor on corporate governance including corporate governance for entities such as Łukasiewicz Centre, National Centre for Research and Development, National Real Estate Resource. In her professional career, she has served on numerous supervisory boards (including Creotech Instruments S.A., Piap Space Sp. z o.o., Grupa Lotos S.A., Cegielski Poznań S.A., Stocznia Gdańsk S.A.).