Jacek Romanowicz
Head of the Education and Innovation Department at the Innovation and Communication Department of the Polish Patent Office.
Germanist, journalist and film scholar by education. Graduate of the University of Wrocław and the Free University in Berlin. For many years he worked as a journalist covering the media market. For the past 14 years, he has been working on the other side of the barricade as an employee of communication departments, first at the Ministry of the State Treasury and then at the Ministry of Family and Social Policy. He gained his first experience in conducting educational activities at the Ministry of the Treasury, where he led various projects promoting, among other things, investing in the stock market (e.g. training, e-learning platform, TV programmes, events for children, competitions, supplements in the press). At the Polish Patent Office, he introduces the world of intellectual property protection not only to entrepreneurs, but also to students, teachers and scientists.