Dr Eng Adrian Antosik
In 2020 he completed his doctoral studies at the Faculty of Technology and Chemical Engineering, West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin - specialisation Organic Chemical Technology; in 2013 he received his MSc degree at the Faculty of Material Engineering and Mechatronics, ZUT in Szczecin - specialisation Plastics Processing; in 2012 he received his engineering degree at the Faculty of Technology and Chemical Engineering, West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin - specialisation Polymer Chemical Technology. He is a co-author of 52 granted national patents, moreover, co-author of more than 90 scientific publications (including 51 publications with IF) and 19 chapters in monographs (Polish and foreign) and 1 monograph. He has participated in 43 scientific conferences. His current h-index is 11 and total Impact Factor (IF) is 76.119. For his scientific activity he has been awarded the bronze medal "Sapientia et Veritas for Services to Polish Science".