
Dr Eng Adrian Antosik

D. at the Faculty of Technology and Chemical Engineering of the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin

In 2020 he completed his doctoral studies at the Faculty of Technology and Chemical Engineering, West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin - specialisation Organic Chemical Technology; in 2013 he received his MSc degree at the Faculty of Material Engineering and Mechatronics, ZUT in Szczecin - specialisation Plastics Processing; in 2012 he received his engineering degree at the Faculty of Technology and Chemical Engineering, West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin - specialisation Polymer Chemical Technology. He is a co-author of 52 granted national patents, moreover, co-author of more than 90 scientific publications (including 51 publications with IF) and 19 chapters in monographs (Polish and foreign) and 1 monograph. He has participated in 43 scientific conferences. His current h-index is 11 and total Impact Factor (IF) is 76.119. For his scientific activity he has been awarded the bronze medal "Sapientia et Veritas for Services to Polish Science".